Monday, March 15, 2010

Pondering my profile subject...

I've been really freaked out about talking to someone I barely know and asking them if I can probe every aspect of their lives.  I had this great idea to profile Julie Madden, the Neuharth Coffee Shop lady.  I love her because she puts everything she has, everything she is into her job.  A job that some people may see as "beginner," or as "not so sexy," she just loves. 
She can make a mochaccino in 1 minute flat.
She will microwave your burrito, your SmartOnes meal, your baked potato, your mom's famous chili....etc etc etc.
Julie smiles hugely at you every time you see her and her sing-songy voice shrills, "Hiiieeeeeee!"
I always think to myself - she has to have a bad day once in awhile.  She just has to!  If she don't see it.  It's all about you.  How is your day?  How is life?  Was it bad?  Let me lament with you and give you a free snack.
I'm afraid to ask her to do the story.  I don't know why. 
But then I did ask her and she is stoked about it!
Of course she is...she's Julie...

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