Sunday, July 12, 2009

The biopsy is set!

My biopsy is all set up for this coming Friday. Apparently, the hope is that interventional radiology will be able to get a needle all the way into the middle of my chest and into the middle of Bannie (my old tumor that has been dormant until now) to the small active spot. Yikes. I hope it doesn't take more than one try!

If they are unable to get to that spot, or if they don't feel like they got enough of a sample, they will biopsy the active spots that showed up in my neck. These spots are a bit questionable because I had a cold at the time of my Pet Scan, and the lymph nodes that lit up may have been from that cold virus. But it is worth a shot because Kelly will not treat until he knows that we're dealing with Hodgkins again. Otherwise, the risk is too great. So on the off chance that those are cancer, why not try?

I keep having this recurring vision that I'll wake up with like 5 pokes all over my chest and neck because they couldn't seem to hit anything the first...or second...or third...or fourth time. So pray for success, and that this biopsy will be successful and that I'll wake up with relatively little pain. Thankfully, I'm going under general anesthesia because I don't respond to the usual sedatives. So I don't have to worry about being awake for it.

Thanks for praying and keeping up with me :-)

P.S. no luck on caring bridge yet. sadness.


  1. Dear Annie,

    Please know that we are praying from here in Germany. I know that it sounds silly to say, but if there is anything that we can do....

    I also still have the old Annie's Prayer Sheild list on my conputer at church, so if you would like for me to get someone back home to fire that up again, please let me know. Blessings! - Kristen

  2. Annieson! I'm so glad you were here this weekend...I had a wonderful time with you and can't wait til you can come back and play auntie to my little guy! Hope your drive home went well, and Sean and I will definitely be praying for you as this goes...

    Love you!
