Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Job of Remembering for the Tribe - my response

First off, I love his use of the word "tribe."  It's so primitive, and can really apply to so many things.  What is the tribe exactly?  The readers of that particular magazine?  A town?  Anyone who speaks that language?  I think it is the readers.  Those are the people you want to remember.  When you profile the everyday happenings of John or Sally, how she digs in the garden, her calloused hands gently parting the dirt for the baby seed to germinate, you are doing all of the readers a favor because you are giving them insight into their own community.
I also enjoyed his discussion on how "hard" journalism has destroyed "soft" journalism.  Soft journalists are looked down upon because they don't rat out the governor, or they don't run as fast as possible to the nearest house fire to break down the logistics.  But skipping out on the conversations about the people in the tribe is almost a greater disservice then failing to tell people that Paris Hilton came to town and barfed in a nearby garbage can.
I think feature writing is my thing.

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