Monday, March 1, 2010

The Man Who Couldn't Read - my reaction

What amazed me the most about this story was the lengths at which a man will go to protect his pride.  I mean, think about it - he learned how to read in 14 months, but that was after 65 years of painstakingly protecting himself by using others to achieve his goals.  And he worked so hard to achieve his goals without having to read, that he actually became extremely successful!  Who would think that a person could become successful without even being able to read?  I think it shows that you really truly can achieve what you put your mind to.  
I think about myself and how I have things I want to accomplish.  I want to get a good job.  I want to eventually start my own public relations business, or do feature writing as a freelance writer.  The only reason I would not chase after these things, and the only conceivable reason that I could not achieve them is because of my own fear.  My fear of rejection or my fear of not doing well enough.  But he used his fear to propel himself into becoming a millionaire.
Imagine having to be his wife!  I think the reason she tolerated his illiteracy is because she would be so incredibly embarrassed if it got out, that her husband could not read.  Your husband is an extension of yourself.  What if everyone knew that the extension of yourself was too "stupid" to read (even though he wasn't really stupid, just prideful and unhelped as a child.)

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