Saturday, March 13, 2010

Suzie Bayer's Shirt - my reaction

Every month, I pay $28.00 to a foundation so that i can sponsor a child named Rediet Beliete Alibet.  She is so cute.  Since I started sponsoring her, I've gotten yearly pictures of her, as well as pictures she's drawn for me.  She can't actually write yet because she's only six.  Apparently, my money buys her food, clothing and school supplies.  I always thought they were blowing smoke up my butt because in America, you could barely buy a pair of shoes for $28.00.  However, in Africa, it literally will provide all of those things and then some.
A lady at my work is a refugee from Africa.  She told me that my money really did help this girl.  She'd seen it before.  Little kids that were waiting for someone to sponsor them.  The money that was left over from other sponsorships would help some of the kids.  But the ones who were sponsored - they were so lucky.
This story made me think of that.  How different our culture is.  Dead kids with American kid's castoff clothes on them.  It would be unthinkable here.  How did we come to this?  How can we help more?  We already give billions of dollars in aid.  Where does it go?  How does it not make it to the people who need it most???

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